David’s short film ‘Parting Gifts’ was part of our 2019 official selection.
What was the inspiration behind making your film?
Myself and producer/actress Grace Parry were trying to find another project to do together, as I had directed her previously on a music video. The aim was to create something in one location with a few actors as we were funding it ourselves. I decided to use a story from my own life about exchanging belongings with an ex girlfriend. I then reworked the narrative that would fit our budget.
What did you learn from the experience making the film?
I learned that it's very possible to shoot a short film in a day, I also learned that covering windows with black bin bags on a very hot day causes the glass to crack, I shall not be doing that again.
How has the film been received?
The film has been well received and people seem to really enjoy it. I've had a great time screening it at festivals.
What do you love the most about the filmmaking process?
I love coming up with a concept and seeing the finished film with an audience on the big screen, but overall I love most aspects of filmmaking, when it goes my way of course.
What is your advice to budding filmmakers making their debut short film?
Just do it and don't worry about failure. You learn your greatest lessons from the mistakes you make and short films are a great way to hone your craft and also discover your unique voice.
What are you up to next?
I currently have three new short films playing in festivals and I'm really happy with the reaction so far. I'm also developing my next two shorts films, one of which is a proof of concept for a feature I want to make.