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Q&A with Natacha Horn

Natacha’s short film ‘Swing’ is the April winner of our monthly contest and an official selection for our 2021 festival.

What was the inspiration behind making ‘Swing’?

I was inspired after I made a documentary about sexual violence for the United Nations and I was struck how abusive power of relationships control every aspect of our lives. So I tried to take four very common abuses and turned them in a dark comedy kind of style.

What did you learn from the experience making the film?

I learnt how important it was to have a close and sharing team, and how to make a kickstarter which financed all the production & post-production.

How has ‘Swing’ been received?

The film has been very well received. [Swing] won the award of best first film at the London Independent Film Festival and was the official selection of many festivals included in USA, Ireland and UK.

What do you love the most about the filmmaking process?

Of course I love the shooting time which was the shortest of the all process. Working with an amazing team is like a present, but also the editing.

What is your advice to filmmakers making their debut short film?

I’m a bit new in the business to give advice - the only thing I can say is that never lose patience, as it’s a long process and choose the right team to work with.

What are you up to next?

Next is the writing for a long feature and maybe a series of music documentaries.


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